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[华语音乐] 【ABC唱片-極致身歷聲2號 - 莊嚴】【wav/整轨/百度】

发表于 2016-12-31 07:31:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

聆聽這張專輯,妳會為其中豐富真摯的音樂情感而感到驚訝與感動! 當然,高水準錄音,也是這張專輯的最大賣點。只使用壹套身歷聲麥克風的單點錄音,讓所有樂器顯得特別活生溫暖,毫無多軌混音的人工味與不自然感。無論是樂器或是人聲,都顯得無比真實.輕鬆而自然。那種彷佛身臨樂隊演奏現場的逼真感,真是音響迷的壹大享受。轉錄成CD盤後,不但更成功地維持了模擬母帶的超高解析度,更加入了身歷聲的音軌,在Hi-Fi系統上聆聽,那種強烈的空間感與自然的豐潤音樂,除了感動之外還是感動!就算沒有百萬音響來重播,本片CD仍然可以表現出最多的原始訊息,是音響迷.古典迷理所當然的收藏!
Hearing the music from this album, you will be surprised and moved by the sincere music emotion in the melody. Of course, the perfect recording is also one of the greatest advantages. Recorded by only one set of microphones, the sounds from every instrument are specially warm and vivid, without any human-made trait of mixture. Both the sound of instruments and singing are fairy natural, as if the listeners were enjoying a live concert in music hall, which is a great enjoyment to audiophiles.
Transferred into CD, it successfully remains the super high resolution of analog master, added stereo channel. Listening by the Hi-Fi system, there is no other feeling except moving you will have during enjoyment. Although you don’t have a audio system worthy of one million, this record still bring you the original information. It is no doubt a precious collection of audiophiles and classic music fans.

I have great interest in photograph for a long time. Photograph, like recording realizes the function of record. The disposal of photo is more important than pressing the button. Photograph combines sense and sensibility, which is the same as recording and music. Composers follow to some rational rules in the way of expressing emotion in their music, such as contraposition in Bach’s music, precise structures in Beethoven’s music…

Recording needs extensive knowledge, including acoustics, electrics, computer, drama, music, etc. The sound collected by microphone is only the beginning. The following progress of mixing and mastering need to master the quality of sounds collected by the microphone, considering the requirements of the producer, which examine recorder’s attainment in art, philosophy and music. The final process, master postproduction asks for engineer’s strong ability to checking sounds, as he needs to make the final exam to the record to guarantee the records perform well in any recorders and environments. Also he needs to make the noise almost disappear and add colors and definition lost in the process of mixing and cutting to guarantee the integrality of sound. Such work needs a engineer who is not only know recording and mixing, but bear captious listening acuity and excellent conception to professional equipment system except operation. Stereo sounds deliver the sense of three dimensions in recoding space and sense of entity. At present, multi-channel surrounding is popular in the world. But only the stereo can reflect the structure of perspective correctly. So two-channel stereo can’t be substituted.

I have cooperated with ABC (Int’l) Records for several times. We always talk about what is the best recording. Instruments are easy to sound, but difficulty to make beautiful sounds. From the angle of engineer, the production of records is as difficult as playing instruments. How to make the sound of every instrument and space clear in the record? Every musical element has its position in acoustics space. Also the balance of frequency should be considered.

Supreme Stereo Sound series has been in my mind for a long time. I plan to express my definition of fine record to the Asian audiophiles through the five records. The songs I chose are mainly classic music I familiar with, dynamic orchestra symphony, refreshing singing, elegant serenade, and jazz arranged from classic music.

Jacques Maritain wrote in Moral Philosophy, “Human sense consists of fragrance and happiness.” I hope to prove it by means of the series.
01. 噢, 命運女神 選自《布蘭詩歌》 作曲:卡爾•奧爾夫 2:30
O Fortuna From Carmina Burana Composer: Carl Orff
02. 漢第德》 序曲 選自《漢第德》 作曲:伯恩斯坦 4:33
Overture To Candide From Candide Composer: Leonard Berustein
03. 朝氣蓬勃的快板  選自《第五交響曲》  作曲:貝多芬 1:42
I Allegro Con Brio From Symphony No. 5 Composer: Beethoven
04. 皇家進行曲 選自《大兵的故事》 作曲:斯特拉文斯基 2:42
The Royal March From The Soldier's Tale Composer: Stravinsky
05. 噍!四隊舞 選自《卡門》 作曲:喬治•比才 4:22
No. 25 Choeur et Scène:《Les Voici! Voici la Quadrille》 From Carmen Composer: Georges Bizet
06. 夏-急板 選自《四季》 作曲:維瓦爾第 2:47
Presto From Summer From Four Seasons Composer: Vivaldi
07. 圓舞曲 選自《葛蓓莉亞》 作曲:德里布 2:10
Waltz From Coppelia Composer: Lèo Delibes
08. 桑巴 選自管弦樂《嬉游曲》 作曲:伯恩斯坦 0:58
Samba From Divertimento For Orchestra Composer: Leonard Bernstein
09. 愁世的飲酒歌 選自《大地之歌》 作曲:古斯塔夫•馬勒 9:06
Das Trinklied vom Jammer der Erde From Das Lied von der Erde Composer: Gustav Mahler
10. 喇叭號聲 選自管弦樂《嬉游曲》 作曲:伯恩斯坦 1:21
Sennets And Tuckets From Divertimento For Orchestra Composer: Leonard Bernstein
11. 凱旋進行曲 選自《阿伊達》 作曲:威爾第 8:50
Marcia e Ballabile (Grand March & Ballet) & Vieni, O Guerriero Vindice From Aida Composer: Verdi
12. 在修道院的花園裡 作曲:凱特爾貝 5:34
In A Monastery Garden Composer: Albert William Ketelbey
13. 喧囂 選自《西城故事》 作曲:伯恩斯坦 3:05
The Rumble From West Side Story Composer:Leonard Bernstein
14. 1812序曲,作品49號 作曲:柴可夫斯基 3:48
1812 Overture, Op.49 Composer: Tchaikovsky
15. 加洛發舞曲 選自《布拉班特的珍妮維芙》 作曲:約克•奧芬巴赫 2:17
Galop From Geneviève de Brabant Composer: Jacques Offenbach
16. 雞腳上的小屋與基輔大門 選自《圖畫展覽會》 作曲:穆索爾斯基 改編:拉威爾 9:04
The Hut on Fowl's Legs & The Great Gate at Kiev From Pictures At An Exhibition



参与人数 1金钱 +10 收起 理由
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发表于 2016-12-31 08:31:46 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2016-12-31 08:36:59 | 显示全部楼层
感謝樓主無私的分享 謝謝!  
发表于 2016-12-31 12:36:34 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2016-12-31 14:43:58 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢分享ABC唱片-極致身歷聲2號 - 莊嚴
发表于 2016-12-31 19:02:54 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2016-12-31 20:29:26 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2016-12-31 20:29:52 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2016-12-31 21:09:14 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2017-1-1 11:50:53 | 显示全部楼层
anlar 发表于 2016-12-31 08:36
感謝樓主無私的分享 謝謝!

发表于 2017-1-1 12:52:27 | 显示全部楼层
a8238020 发表于 2017-1-1 11:50

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