指揮家魯迪•慕斯邁耶(Rudi Moosmeier)是非常棒的CD直刻指揮,因為這種方式不能剪接,也無法做後期處理,壹切就等於是現場演錄,所以指揮需要具有果決而敏銳的個性。為保持現場100%的動態再生,本專輯採用玻璃母版直刻工藝,其DHM96 Stands直刻系統為杜絕交流電的干擾,是採用電池供電,以保證Mastering過程中的絕對純淨。
特異獨行的錄音師布萊尼西•阿特曼 (Breinich Altmann) 對於音樂性追求始終如壹,他不僅有最好的硬體器材,也自己找尋藝人,錄製出精緻而大量的唱片。此專輯由他親手操刀,發燒至極,從頭到尾都維持著壹流的音響效果,讓所有的樂器起來都是那麽地真實,壹整片的音樂在任何系統中聽來都非常過癮,令人心醉馳迷,鋼琴手演奏時手指與琴鍵的觸感以及琴弦的張力,也有如真般的質地。結像立體.氛圍濃郁.色彩極其豐富,起伏轉折處也是活靈活現。
The music in this album is arranged from classic into jazz, with excellent performance and production, so that the immortal classic pieces worshiped in the music palace become charming again.
Rudi Moosmeier is an excellent conductor. As the live recording can’t be cut and do post production, so the conductor should be decisive and sensitive. To remain the 100% dynamics, this album is used glass master direct cutting process. To avoid the disturbing of alternating current, the DHM96 direct cutting system was powered by batteries, so that the mastering is absolute pured.
The recording engineer Breinich Altmann keeps on his pursuit to music. He has the best equipment, and searches for excellent artists by himself to produce a great deal of fine recorders. This album, made by Altmann, holds on top ranking acoustics effects from the beginning to the end. Everything is natural and attractive, such as the tension of string, the tactility from fingers and keyboards of piano performers, charming atmosphere, colorful sounds and vivid wave and turning…
01. 土耳其進行曲 作曲:莫札特 4:10
Turkish March Composer: Mozart
02. 交響曲40號,第一樂章 作曲:莫札特 4:12
Symphony No.40 K.550 Composer: Mozart
03. 夢幻曲 作曲:R•舒曼 4:33
Tramerei Composer: R. Schumann
04. 乘著歌聲的翅膀 作曲:F•孟德爾松 3:55
Auf Flügeln Des Gesanges Composer: F. Mendelssohn
05. 匈牙利舞曲第五號 作曲:J•勃拉姆斯 4:46
Ungarische Tazn No.5 Composer: J. Brahms
06. G弦上的詠歎調 作曲:巴赫 4:20
Air On The G String Composer: Bach
07. 幽默曲 作曲:德沃夏克 3:31
Humoreska Composer: Dvorak
08. 愛的歡樂 作曲:F•克萊斯勒 4:55
Liebesfreud Composer: F. Kreisler
09. 母親教我的歌 選自《吉普賽歌集》 作曲:F•孟德爾松 4:55
Als Die Alte Mutter Noch Lehrte Singen From Zigeuner Melodien Composer: F. Mendelssohn
10. E小調小提琴協奏曲(作品64號) 第一樂章 作曲:F•孟德爾松 4:10
Konzert Für Violin Und Orchester, Op. 64, 1St Mov. Composer: F. Mendelssohn
11. 鱒魚 作曲:F•舒伯特 4:26
Die Forelle Composer: F. Schubert
12. 頌贊的祈禱 作曲:F•舒伯特 4:47
Ave Maria Composer: F. Schubert
13. G大調小步舞曲 作曲:巴赫 3:50
Menuette in G Major Composer: Bach
14. 間奏曲 選自《卡門組曲1號》 作曲:G•比才 5:44
Intermezzo From Carmen Suite No.1 Composer: G. Bizet