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[纯音乐] 大江東去:瑪麗蓮夢露 River of No Return

发表于 2007-9-15 12:14:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Marilyn Monroe (1926-1962) ﹐原名Norma Jeane Mortensen ﹐生於LA。二次世界大戰時﹐丈夫從軍﹐她只有在工廠為飛機零件噴油漆幹活。一天一位記者來到工廠拍照作雜誌封面﹐意圖表揚女士們對戰爭的貢獻﹐誰料這位女士瞬間獲得這位記者青睞﹐邀請作為模特兒﹐不久更被 20th Century Fox電影公司邀請試鏡拍片。Fox 取了影星Marilyn Miller的名﹐加上了她母親的姓氏 Monroe﹐於是這位20歲的女士﹐便成為日後在影壇上光芒萬丈的Marilyn Monroe。從影期間﹐她的緋聞不絕﹐甚至她的自殺﹐一直都被形容是個謎﹐種種原因使到她成為一位Legend。當然現在再一次聽Marilyn Monroe 的歌曲﹐只覺得她唱功一般﹐只是故作性感的唱腔與扮相﹑裸照及新聞﹐在當年便已經成為男仕們心目中的女神了。

River of No Return
(Newman / Darby)

If you listen, you can hear it call
Wail-a-ree, wail-a-ree

There is a river
Called the river of no return
Sometime it's peaceful
And sometimes wild and free
Love is trav'ler
On the river of no return
Swept on for ever
To be lost in the stormy sea

I can hear the river call
No return, no return
No return, no return, wail-a-ree

I can hear my lover call
Come to me, no return, no return

I lost my love on the river
And for ever my heart will yearn
Gone, gone for ever
Down the river of no return
Wail-a-reee, wail-a-ree
You'll never return to me

发表于 2007-9-15 12:40:15 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-9-15 12:40:34 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-9-20 05:27:05 | 显示全部楼层
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