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[专辑] 安室奈美惠 namie amuro Final Tour 2018 ~Finally~ (Final Performance) |
安室奈美惠 namie amuro Final Tour 2018 ~Finally~ (Final Performance) 本帖为Disc 1最终场公演自抓音轨 表演者: 安室奈美恵 流派: 流行 专辑类型: 视频 介质: Blu-ray  转自原蓝光音轨 2.0pcm 共40首(其中演唱曲目30首) 唱片数: 1 自抓,请勿转载!!!!! 曲目: 01_ Prologue 02_ Opening 03_ Hero 04_ Hide & Seek 05_ Do Me More 06_ Mint 07_ Interlude 1 08_ Baby Don't Cry 09_ GIRL TALK 10_ NEW LOOK 11_ WHAT A FEELING 12_ Dancers Introduction ~Girls~ 13_ Showtime 14_ Just You and I 15_ Break It 16_ Say the word 17_ Love Story 18_ SWEET 19 BLUES 19_ Interlude 2 20_ TRY ME 〜私を信じて〜 21_ 太陽のSEASON 22_ You're my sunshine 23_ Get Myself Back 24_ a walk in the park 25_ Don't wanna cry 26_ NEVER END 27_ CAN YOU CELEBRATE? 28_ Interlude 3 29_ Body Feels EXIT 30_ Chase the Chance 31_ Dancers Introduction ~Boys~ 32_ Fighter 33_ In Two 34_ Do It For Love 35_ One Piece Introduction Movie ~Hope~ 36_ Hope 37_ Finally 38_ How do you feel now? 39_ Talking 40_ Credits ~Finally (Orchestra Version)~ https://pan.baidu.com/s/13lrxtTz-TRdnEKIf1bG6xg
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