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乐,世界杯曲Waka Waka是抄袭吗?

发表于 2010-7-17 00:30:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
找的歌某部分还真像Waka Waka
求 鉴定啦。
 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-17 00:35:13 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2010-7-17 00:38:56 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-7-17 00:49:12 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-7-27 08:54:54 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 zaar 于 2010-7-27 08:57 编辑

http://www.onlinesalsa.com/news/ ... hampionships?id=494
The song, which is the official anthem of the football tournament, is a cover of the Cameroonian song “Waka Waka”. This reporter wrote about this controversy surrounding this song in the description of the videoclip.
He wrote, “Clip of the Song 'Waka Waka' sung by Shakira and the South African band FreshlyGround. This is the official song of the Soccer World Cup planned to be held in South Africa during the summer of 2010. This song has had a lot of controversy in Africa: thousands of Africans accuse Shakira of Copyright Violation. The original song is a military march of the group Zangalewa from Cameroon. Shakira alledgedly used a sample of this song without paying copyrights fee to the authors. This is a different situation compared to the all woman Merengue Band 'La Chicas Del Can': they did pay Zangalewa for using a sample for their Merengue Song 'El Negro No Puede Dormir' ('The Negro Can't Sleep'), which became a big hit in the Caribbean and Latin America in the '80's.”
He also wrote, “The Africans also accuse Shakira of not knowing what she is singing. The lyrics in the Fango Language should be: "Django hé ..Django hé ..Zaminamina Zaminamina zangalewa Ana wam a a ..." The meaning should be something like this: "I awake yeah ..I awake yeah ... Shine Shine Strong Army it is mine yes.”

http://www.onlinesalsa.com/video ... n-el-negro-no-puede
Merengue Song "El Negro No Puede'" ("The Negro Can Not") performed live by Las Chicas del Can from the Dominican Republic. It is sung by the original members of the first 'Merengue All Girls Band from the 80's' Miriam Cruz, Eunice Betances, and Teresa Domínguez. The original name of the band was 'Belkis Concepcion y Las Chicas del Can' ('Belkis Concepcion and The Girls from Can'), formed by the succesful 'Godfather of Merengue' Wilfrido Vargaz. Belkis was a wonder on the piano.
This song is one of  many with lyrics having a double (sexual) meaning. "El Negro No Puede, El Negro No Puede, El Negro No Puede, No Puede Dormir' means 'The Nigger Can't, The Nigger Can't, The Nigger Can't, He Can Not Sleep'. Then, 'Todo el mundo duerme y el no quire despertar'. This means 'The whole world is sleeping and he does not want to wake up.' The beginning of the song is the Original military march of the Cameroon Band Zangalewa. Shakira alledgedly copied parts of the original song for her World Cup 2010 Song 'Waka Waka' without paying copyrights fee to Zangalewa.

虽然这首wakawaka是Shakira和t南非乐团FreshlyGround合作的,但其实原曲来自于喀麦隆的一支军乐乐团Zangalewa。而早在80年代初,来自加勒比地区的全女子Merengue(一种加勒比舞蹈)乐队"La Chicas Del Can"就曾经在他们的歌曲"El Negro No Puede"中使用了该旋律,这首歌曲一度非常热门,在加勒比和拉美地区非常受欢迎。而更重要的是,La Chicas Del Can女子乐团,当时是向喀麦隆的原作者支付了版税的。
不难想象,shakira作为哥伦比亚人,对拉丁版的此曲旋律恐怕是自幼耳闻目染,然而如此盲目使用无疑仍是一次昏招。另外非洲版是一首意指军队的歌曲,而拉丁版El Negro No Puede意思是The Negro Can Not,据称是含有性暗示的双关语,这些与世界杯的主题都很不搭调,遭到了很多非洲人民的指责。
 楼主| 发表于 2010-7-27 22:19:36 | 显示全部楼层
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