如<極致身歷聲>前五聲張轉壹樣,專輯<雄偉>收錄仍是膾炙人口的大師作品,首曲巴赫的管風琴音樂 管風琴音樂壹向是高段音響迷的最愛,因為其低頻可以輕易延伸至30Hz以下,而管風琴大多位於殘響特別長的教堂或是音樂廳中,因此可以營造出極佳的音響效果.在這裏,音樂大師的這個曲子由非常棒的CD直刻指揮師葛濟夫指揮.CD直刻指揮難度極大,因為這種方式不能剪接,也無法做後制處理,壹切就等於是現場演錄,所以指揮需要具有果決而敏銳的個性.葛濟夫常被團員笑為"鷹眼指揮"正是因為在指揮臺上目光銳利,行為果斷……
I have great interest in photograph for a long time. Photograph, like recording realizes the function of record. The disposal of photo is more important than pressing the button. Photograph combines sense and sensibility, which is the same as recording and music. Composers follow to some rational rules in the way of expressing emotion in their music, such as contraposition in Bach’s music, precise structures in Beethoven’s music…
Recording needs extensive knowledge, including acoustics, electrics, computer, drama, music, etc. The sound collected by microphone is only the beginning. The following progress of mixing and mastering need to master the quality of sounds collected by the microphone, considering the requirements of the producer, which examine recorder’s attainment in art, philosophy and music. The final process, master postproduction asks for engineer’s strong ability to checking sounds, as he needs to make the final exam to the record to guarantee the records perform well in any recorders and environments. Also he needs to make the noise almost disappear and add colors and definition lost in the process of mixing and cutting to guarantee the integrality of sound. Such work needs a engineer who is not only know recording and mixing, but bear captious listening acuity and excellent conception to professional equipment system except operation. Stereo sounds deliver the sense of three dimensions in recoding space and sense of entity. At present, multi-channel surrounding is popular in the world. But only the stereo can reflect the structure of perspective correctly. So two-channel stereo can’t be substituted.
I have cooperated with ABC (Int’l) Records for several times. We always talk about what is the best recording. Instruments are easy to sound, but difficulty to make beautiful sounds. From the angle of engineer, the production of records is as difficult as playing instruments. How to make the sound of every instrument and space clear in the record? Every musical element has its position in acoustics space. Also the balance of frequency should be considered.
Supreme Stereo Sound series has been in my mind for a long time. I plan to express my definition of fine record to the Asian audiophiles through the five records. The songs I chose are mainly classic music I familiar with, dynamic orchestra symphony, refreshing singing, elegant serenade, and jazz arranged from classic music.
Jacques Maritain wrote in Moral Philosophy, “Human sense consists of fragrance and happiness.” I hope to prove it by means of the series.
01. D小調托卡塔與賦格 作曲:巴赫 3:10
BWV. 565 Toccata Composer: Bach
02. 序曲 選自《魯斯蘭與柳德米拉》 作曲:格林卡 4:39 試聽
Overture From Ruslan And Ludmilla Composer: Glinka
03. 雜耍者之舞 選自歌居《雪娘》 作曲:林姆斯基-科薩柯夫 3:46 試聽
Dance Of The Tumblers From The Snow Maiden Composer: Rimsky- Korsakov
04. 侏儒 選自《圖畫展覽會》 作曲:穆索爾斯基 2:33
Gnomus From Pictures At An Exhibition Composer: Modest Mussorgsky
05. 第四十號交響曲第三樂章 作曲:莫札特 3:55 試聽
Symphony No.40, Mvt. III Composer: Mozart
06. 管弦樂樂器博覽:《協奏曲壹號》 選自《發燒測試音響》 8:06
List of Orchestral Instruments: Concerto No. 1 From Super Audio Check
07. 野蜂飛舞 作曲:林姆斯基--科薩柯夫 1:27
Flight Of The Bumble Bee Composer: Rimsky --Korsakov
08. 伏爾塔瓦河 選自《我的祖國》 作曲:斯美塔那 3:56
Vltava From My Homeland Composer: Smetana
09. 柯拉?布勒伊農序曲 作曲:德米特裏? 卡巴烈夫斯基 4:44
Colas Breugnon, Op. 24: Overture Composer: Dmitri Kabalevsky
10. 荒山之夜選段 作曲:穆索爾斯基 6:38
A Night On Bald Mountain, excerpt Composer: Modest Mussorgsky
11. G弦上的詠歎調 選自D大調管弦樂組曲 作曲:巴赫 6:01
Aria on the G String From Suite For Orchestra No.3 In D Major Composer: Bach
12. 馬刀舞曲 選自《加雅涅》 作曲:哈恰圖良 2:15
Sabre Dance From Gayaneh Composer: Khachaturian
13. 斯拉夫進行曲 作曲:柴可夫斯基 2:24
Marche Slave Composer: Tchaikovsky
14. 地獄中的奧菲歐選段 作曲:奧芬巴赫 2:11
Orpheus In The Underworld, excerpt Composer: Offenbach
15. 無窮動快速波爾卡 作曲:愛德華?斯特勞斯 2:25
Non-Stop Fast Polka Composer: Eduard Strauss