发表于 2019-2-28 14:11:45
4.6 謝謝推薦 清晰精準的咬字發音、充滿情感力道的唱腔。
阿川 泰子簡介
阿川 泰子(あがわ やすこ、本名:佐藤 康子、1951年10月16日生)來自神奈川縣 鎌倉市的爵士歌手, 父親是一位油畫藝術家,遺傳自父親的藝術天份,阿川泰子渾身散發的音樂氣息與藝術氣質,加上後天不懈的努力,終於使她成為日本少數國際級的天后女伶,東洋爵士女伶第一把交椅。清晰精準的咬字發音、充滿情感力道的唱腔、質量精醇的音域質感,她的與眾不同與特別,沒聽過她專輯的樂迷事無法想像的。多一分太滿、少一毫不夠過癮-到位十足的音樂情感拿捏,已傣至爐火純青之境,可說是女伶演唱藝術的極緻。
But Beautiful
Love is funny, or it's sad,
Or it's quiet, or it's mad.
It's a good thing, or it's bad,
But beautiful...
Beautiful to take a chance
And if you fall, you fall,
And i'm thinking,
I wouldn't mind at all.
Love is tearful, or it's gay,
It's a problem, or it's play.
It's a heartache either way,
But beautiful...
And i'm thinking, if you were mine,
I'd never let you go.
And that would be but beautiful,
I know.
And i'm thinking, if you were mine,
I'd never let you go.
And that would be but beautiful,
That would be but beautiful...
I know.